2. Worked for 5 months here as a Unity Developer. Here, I worked on developing a product to aid patients with low vision. Low vision is a vision loss which can not be corrected with glasses, contacts or surgery. It doesn't mean complete blindness as light still remains. I helped in making a product to aid people with such disability and work normally in their day to day lives. Pico G24K E was used as the device. I developed features like fisheye filter, inline filter, greyscale mode, inverse greyscale mode etc. Shadders and post processing were used for the same. I added zoom-in zoom-out functionality, brightness change, audio queues for patients to listen to instructions etc. It was a fun internship and I got to learn a lot!

  3. VIFR
  4. Worked for 2 months at VIFR on project HALARA. Their motto is to make VR games for autistic kids to help them understand better.
    We made total of 10 modules of which 4 were made entirely be me. From core mechanics to game implementation.
    Using all the concepts like raycasting, XR-Rig, Trigger and collision events and even learning the PXR Manager, XR-input management system using Tobii initializer. I also learnt 3-D Modeling through this internship and applied it in few of their projects. The overall experience was really fun and fruitful and now apply that knowledge in my games.

  5. AJ PRO CAP counselling
  6. They are a counselling firm which funds start-up ideas. I worked here and learnt Android App Development. This was my first experience for working somewhere and I really liked it. I made a buisness card app (links on my GITHUB) for their firm.

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