Connan's Odyssey

My first game for Android which is also available at Playstore, Connan's Odyssey is a platformer game with 15 unique levels. It has over 5 different playable character with each having unique sets of ability. There are various enemy types as well. I also integrated ads in the game using unity monetization. I also created playprefs for storing player coin data, current player level and character selected. I used different sprite animations for each player state.

Link of the game: Connan's Odyssey on playstore.

Lone Survivor

This is a casual arcade game for android which I uploaded on playstore. The game consists of 4 different characters to choose from. It has a settings menu where player can configure the controls. It is further integreted with ironsource and unity mediation for ads.

Link of the game: Lone survivor on playstore.

Packet Sniffer

A packet sniffer moniters the data packets over a network. I, along with my friends made a packet sniffer which does the same. But rather than capturing 1 way traffic, it captures 2 way traffic, both incoming and outgoing. Then displays the data in the following header accordingly. The protocols used here are TCP, UDP and ICMP. The data retured will be displayed on the terminal as their headers. Python3 and linux OS were used for this project.
Modules used were: Struct, sockets, argparse, coloroma and textwrap.

Link of the project: Github repo.


It is a Quiz game for Anime fans. The game contains a set of question and ask them in a random order. Every question is a scriptable object where all the data regarding it, like options and solutions are stored. There is a timer that runs, providing the user only a limited time to answer each question. After every question is answered or the timer runs out, correct answer is highlighted for a few seconds. The timer was implemented by using a circular image and changing it's fill amount every second. It was really interesting project to work as implementing scriptable objects was really interesting.

Link of the project: Github repo.

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